Honduras world map

Trade in Honduras

Honduras was the world’s 91st largest exporter of goods and 94th largest exporter of commercial services in 2022. Export values were $12.28 billion and $3.10 billion USD respectively. Honduras’s top export category was Manufactures, followed by Clothing, and Agricultural products. In 2022, Honduras’s main export destination markets for goods and services trade were to United States, Germany and El Salvador, with trade representing 111.07 per cent of GDP. In terms of imports, Honduras is the world’s 87th largest importer of goods and 95th largest importer of commercial services. Import values were $18.32 billion and $3.23 billion USD respectively in 2022. Honduras’s top import category was Manufactures, followed by Agricultural products and Fuels and mining products. Leading import partners were United States, China and Mexico. Honduras is part of 12 different Regional Trade Agreements, including Canada – Honduras and Central American Common Market (CACM).
Regional Trade Agreements Database

General Information

This section includes general information on the economy, legal system, official languages and links to additional demographic information.

Official Name

Republic of Honduras





WTO Membership Date

1 January 1995

Legal System

civil law system



Number of Time Zone(s)


Additional Information

Financial Information

This section includes financial information such as the currency, exchange rate lookup and local banks issuing trade finance.


Honduran lempira

Exchange Rate

Google Finance Currencies

GTFP Confirming Banks

Through the IFC's Global Trade Finance Program (GTFP) bank network, local financial institutions can establish working partnerships with a vast number of major international banks in the Program that can broaden access to finance and reduce cash collateral requirements. This extends and complements the capacity of banks to deliver trade finance by providing risk mitigation on a per-transaction basis in challenging markets where trade lines may be limited.
  • Banco Atlantida - Tegucigalpa, Honduras - SWIFT: ATTDHNTE

Contact Information

This section includes contact information for business support organizations and national resources.

Business Support Organizations

Government MSME Agency

  • The Ministry of Industry and Trade (SIC)


SPS Enquiry Points

Sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) enquiry points are government agencies designated to answer questions about trade requirements.
  • Secretaría de Agricultura y Ganadería

    Dirección Servicio Nacional de Sanidad Agropecuaria (SENASA)

    Phone: +(504) 2232 6213/2239 7089/2231 0786

    Website: http://www.senasa-sag.gob.hn

    Boulevard Miraflores, Av. La Fao

    [email protected]
  • Secretaría de Industria y Comercio

    Dirección General de Integración Económica y Política Comercial

    Phone: +(504) 2235 3078/5047/8383

    Website: http://www.sic.gob.hn

    Boulevard José Cecilio del Valle

    Edificio San José, 3er piso

    [email protected][email protected]
  • Secretaría de Salud
    Dirección General de Regulación Sanitaria
    Website: http://www.salud.gob.hn

    Centro de Tegucigalpa
    Antiguo edificio BANMA
    Esquina opuesta a Farmacia Regis

    [email protected]@[email protected]

TBT Enquiry Points

Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) enquiry points are government agencies designated to answer questions about trade requirements.
  • Technical regulations, standards and conformity assessment procedures:

    Secretaría de Industria y Comercio (Ministry of Industry and Trade)

    Dirección General de Protección al Consumidor

    Departamento de Normalización y Metrología

    Phone: +(504) 2 235 4797

    Edificio San José, Piso 2

    Bulevar José Cecilio del Valle

    Colonia Humuya

    Tegucigalpa M.D.C.

  • Secretaría de Industria y Comercio

    Dirección General de Integración Económica y Política Comercial

    Lic. Yulissa Santos/Negociadora - Coordinadora Grupo Téchnicos de Registro Sanitarios

    Phone: + (504) 2235 5047; + (504) 2235 3078

    Website: http://www.sic.gob.hn

    Edificio San José, Piso No. 3

    Boulevard José Cecilio del Valle

    Colonia Humuya

    Tegucigalpa M.D.C

    [email protected]
  • Pharmaceutical products:

    Secretaría de Salud

    Departamento de Farmacia

    Phone: +(504) 2 238 62 88

    Edificio Banma, 2do piso

    Avenida Jerez, Barrio El Centro

    Tegucigalpa M.D.C

  • Food products:
    Secretaría de Salud
    Unidad de Regulación Sanitaria y Ambiente, antes Control de Alimentos
    Phone: +(504) 2 232 2713

    Paseo Monumento a la Paz
    Parte de atrás del Centro de Salud la Sanidad
    Frente Cuerpo de Bomberos
    Tegucigalpa M.D.C

Additional Information

ePing alert

Last Reviewed: June, 2024

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