Cuba world map

Trade in Cuba

Cuba was the world’s 126th largest exporter of goods and 100th largest importer of goods in 2021 with export and import values in good being $2.0 and $8.4 billion USD respectively. In 2020, Cuba’s trade represents 15.68 per cent of GDP. Cuba is part of 4 different Regional Trade Agreements, such as El Salvador – Cuba, Global System of Trade Preferences among Developing Countries (GSTP) and Latin American Integration Association (LAIA).
Regional Trade Agreements Database

General Information

This section includes general information on the economy, legal system, official languages and links to additional demographic information.

Official Name

Republic of Cuba





WTO Membership Date

20 April 1995

Legal System

civil law system based on Spanish civil code



Number of Time Zone(s)


Additional Information

Financial Information

This section includes financial information such as the currency, exchange rate lookup and local banks issuing trade finance.


Cuban peso

Exchange Rate

Google Finance Currencies

Contact Information

This section includes contact information for business support organizations and national resources.

Business Support Organizations

Copyright Offices

  • National Copyright Center (CENDA)

  • Ministry of Culture

Industrial Property Offices

  • Cuban Industrial Property Office

  • Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment (OCPI)

SPS Enquiry Points

Sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) enquiry points are government agencies designated to answer questions about trade requirements.
  • Inocuidad de los alimentos:

    Ing. María Victoria Luna Martínez, MsC

    Jefe del Departamento de Registro y Control Sanitario

    Instituto Nacional de Higiene y Epidemiologia

    Ministerio de Salud Pública

    Phone: +(537) 870 8947

    Calle Infanta No. 1158 esq. Clavel, Municipio Centro Habana

    [email protected]
  • Sanidad Animal:

    Dr. Jorge Luis Milián Darías


    Dirección de Sanidad Animal

    Ministerio de la Agricultura

    Phone: + (537) 830 6615

    Calle 12 No. 355 e/ 15 y 17, Vedado, Municipio Plaza de la Revolución

    [email protected]
  • Sanidad Vegetal:
    Ing. Gilberto Hilario Díaz López
    Dirección de Sanidad Vegetal
    Ministerio de la Agricultura
    Phone: + (537) 879 1339
    + (537) 878 4976, ext. 102

    Ayuntamiento No. 231 e/ San Pedro y Lombillo, Municipio Plaza de la Revolución

    [email protected]

TBT Enquiry Points

Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) enquiry points are government agencies designated to answer questions about trade requirements.
  • Reglamentos técnicos:
    Dirección de Regulaciones Técnicas y Calidad (DRTC)
    Ministerio del Comercio Exterior y la Inversión Extranjera (MINCEX)
    Phone: +(53 7) 838 0364, 838 0454

    Infanta Nº 16 esquina a 23
    Contact: MSc Mariela Cué Ladrón de Guevara

    [email protected]

Additional Information

ePing alert

Last Reviewed: June, 2023

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